Monthly Archives: March 2013

New Comic Book + Processes

proceso5It’s been a long time since I haven’t uploaded any cool stuff, mainly because I’ve been busy working into some projects that require my writing and Excel skills rather than my drawing or photo abilities!

One of them has already payed off and the news is that I’m finally going back to the comic book draws! See, I published a short story of 5 numbers back in 2008 that had a moderate success in sales, but it contributed to open the local scene here in Chile regarding graphic novels and installing the comic book as a validated way and level it with books, magazines and other published media.

So, I teamed up with my partner Cristian Escobar (in the inks and color) and my newest buddy Oscar Barrientos in the writing office, and since he’s an accomplished and international author with loads of love for pop culture and graphic novels, the outcome is something that I would like to reach out as much as possible, since the idea is to tell some stories based in Patagonia, we have to be very careful with the way we write it, since we don’t want to have everyone but us -the ones who have lived here in Patagonia- laughing at details that nobody else will understand.

We’re working on it though ;)

Finally, here are some pics of how we make these illustrations ,hope you enjoy it!



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