30 is the new 30 + zoolander style

Recently, I turned 30 and I want to share two awesome things. Last tuesday however, I turned 30 + 9 months and it was awesome! Far from home, every bit of joy you get when surrounded by friends or family is highly increased by how true these demonstrations are. I collected some phrases that inspired me to overlook the “you’re not a 20 smth anymore”, my favorite being “Growing up is for plants”. The illustration is what you see above (and the link takes you to my IG gallery, if you’ve been missing it!)

Also, on Saturday, a recent interview I gave to Croatian blog Street Style Seconds – http://www.streetstyleseconds.com/ -about the projects I’m working on, my stay here in Zagreb and, as a total rookie, what was I wearing, fashion in Europe and whatnot. What makes me wonder is how people react to fashion (clothes and wearable goods rather than trends) in different parts of the world, specially in those places where weather dictates people’s life’s, and eventually, how they innovate in what they wear to cope with it. I’m tinking about icelandic wool vests now! Anyway, more pics and full interview here (croatian only, sorry!): http://www.streetstyleseconds.com/2014/04/cool-clothing-style-guys-chinos.html



Have a great week!

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